Women’s Story

October is Women’s History Month!

I know – everyday is Women’s History Day in my calendar, but for the month of October, women’s organizations across the country are planning events in celebration of our Big Sisters; those women who have fought for the rest of us to get an education, a voice in government, a place on the factory floor and a seat in the boardroom.

For the month of October, In the Sisterhood will focus on the stories of our Big Sisters from the past.  We will celebrate their achievements and take comfort that their defeats are short lived, for they are our spur for further action.

Women’s history, as a dedicated subfield of historical study, has blossomed over the last 30 years with the advent of the second wave feminist movement in the mid-sixties and the pursuit of social history by the academic community.  Early studies focused on simply finding women; contemporary studies delve deeper into the lives women in the past to uncover the complexity of what it means to be a woman across time, space and culture.

In the Sisterhood wants to hear from you.  Tell us about the stories of the Big Sisters in your life, your culture.  We celebrate our sisters when we speak their names, remember their deeds, and thank them for their efforts.

Related links:

Status of Women Canada: http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/dates/whm-mhf/index-eng.html

Heroines.ca: http://www.heroines.ca/celebrate/historymonth.html

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